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Authentic Quranic and Sunnah daily Islamic supplications app

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MyDua serves as an essential tool for Muslims seeking to incorporate authentic daily supplications into their lives. Drawing from the acclaimed reference "The Fortress of The Muslim" and various authenticated sources, the app presents a treasure trove of Duas (invocations) grounded in the Holy Qur'an and Sunnah. These supplications address everyday needs and situations, aiming to simplify the remembrance of Allah in all aspects of life.

With its user-friendly interface, it offers an array of features designed to enhance supplication practice. Users can listen to beautifully narrated Duas, set alarms for individual or grouped invocations, and customize the repetition of Duas to preference. A powerful search function provides instant access to specific supplications. Moreover, the innovative option to record one's own voice can help personalize and reinforce learning.

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Kids are not left out, as the application includes a dedicated section with visually-supported Duas for the younger audience. Favorite supplications can be bookmarked for quick reference, and the visibility of translations and transliterations can be toggled as per user comfort. Sharing Duas with friends and family is also effortless via email, SMS, and social networking platforms.

The comprehensive collection spans Duas for various occasions, from waking up and daily morning or evening remembrance to prayers related to travel, adverse weather, and the conclusion of the day. Additionally, Duas pertinent to the prayer experience, fasting, Hajj, social interactions, and personal emotions and challenges are incorporated. MyDua is a robust platform that supports the spiritual growth of Muslims, fostering a more mindful, protected, and connected life through supplication.

This review has been crafted using the insights provided by Mark Softech, Al Madinah Al Mu.

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 5.0 or higher required

Information about MyDua 4.1

Package Name com.mydua.iqraapps
License Free
Op. System Android
Category Education & Languages
Language English
43 more
Author Mark Softech, Al Madinah Al Mu
Downloads 2,078
Date Nov 17, 2023
Content Rating +3
Advertisement Not specified
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Older versions

apk 3.1.2 Android + 1.5 Jun 15, 2016
apk 3.1.1 Android + 1.5 Mar 27, 2024
apk 1.0 Android + 1.5 Feb 28, 2021

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